A comprehensive eye examination by a qualified eye specialist is a necessary component of taking care of your eyes. In a comprehensive eye examination not only is your eye sight checked but a expert examination is carried out paying attention to each layer and structure within the human eye. When needed additional diagnostic tests can and should be carried out. This is especially important since many serious, sight threatening yet fully treatable eye diseases can be present without a patient ever experiencing any symptoms such as pain or discomfort. Eyesight may or may not be affected in the early or even moderate stages of these diseases and even if it is, patients may not recognize the change. The absence of pain or even mild pain or discomfort until the disease becomes more advanced is not uncommon for cataract, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease and retinal disease as common examples. Hundreds of thousands of other eye diseases exist. Children and adults, both, suffer from eye disease.  Premature children and adults over the age of 40 are particularly at risk. Due to advancement in both the ability to diagnose as well as medically and surgically treat eye disease, it makes complete sense to see the best eye specialists wherever you reside.

At The Eye Center in Karachi, we take great pride in the trust our patients place in us. We have as part of our extensive team, the best eye specialists and eye technicians in Karachi. Each one of our eye specialists is an expert in his or her area of subspeciality. Within our team there is great camaraderie and our patients benefit from their ability to access the best eye specialist and sub specialist in Karachi all within the same clinical practice. Patient medical records and file notes are made available to all the doctors within our team so that patients are not burdened with having to carry around files or remember all that has taken place no matter who they are seeing at The Eye Center.

While it is truly important to have the best eye specialists in Karachi on site, we recognize that none of this is valuable unless we are easily accessible to our youngest as well as our oldest patient. Our carefully and custom designed premises has elevators and ramps and is fully accessible by wheelchair.  The physical safety of our patients is extremely important to us as is their ability to lead independent lives with visual safety and comfort.

Should you or any one you know need expert eye care, please contact us by calling or leaving a message for a call back at The Eye Center- Dr. Mahnaz Naveed Shah & Associates at 13 Rojhan Street, Clifton, Block 5, Karachi. Our telephone numbers are 03028291799,  0300 8933377, 0300 0822218 or 021 35836713. You can also reach us through our website

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